
The start of the EGSIEM Project was announced with a number of Press Releases by consortium members.

The Coordinators of EGSIEM (the University of Bern) published an article on the 14th of January 2015.

Längere Vorwarnzeiten bei Fluten und Dürren dank Satelliten

Erstmals koordiniert die Universität Bern ein «Horizon 2020»-Forschungsprojekt der EU. Mit Hilfe von Satelliten sollen dabei die Vorwarnzeiten bei Wetterextremen wie Überschwemmungen und Dürren verlängert werden. Heute fiel in Bern der Startschuss für das Projekt.

The full article can be accessed here.

The announcement was featured in two Swiss Newspapers (Berner Zeitung & St Galler Tagblatt) and in a number of online forums.

The University of Luxembourg issued a Press Release on the 5th of January which elicited responses from National Press Television and Radio, the release can be accessed here.

Leibniz University of Hannover also issued a press release which can be seen here.

The German Aeronautics and Space Research Centre (DLR) released a briefing which is available on the following link.

The German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) has also published a Press briefing on EGSIEM, the article can be accessed here.

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