
EGSIEM at EGU 2017

Members of the EGSIEM consortium were delighted to attend the 2017 meeting of the European Geosciences Union held in Vienna between 23. - 28. April 2017.

Below you will find links to view and download the content (for a full list of authors please see the individual article).


Ben Goweleeuw (GFZ) et al, A daily Wetness Index from GRACE satellite gravity data for near-real time global monitoring of hydrological extremes (Link) Poster

Ulrich Meyer (AIUB) et al, Combination service: combination of GRACE monthly K-band solutions on normal equation level (Link) Presentation

Matthias Weigelt (LU Hannover) et al, HLSST and SLR - bridging the gap between GRACE and GRACE Follow-on (Link) Presentation

Beate Klinger (TU Graz) et al, The role of accelerometer data calibration within the ITSG-Grace2016 release: impact on C20 coefficients (Link) Presentation

Beate Klinger & Torsten Mayer-Gürr (TU Graz), ITSG-Grace2016 data preprocessing methodologies revisited: impact of using Level-1A data products (Link) Poster

Yoomin Jean (AIUB) et al, Effect of the Accelerometer Calibration Method on AIUB’s GRACE Monthly Gravity Field Solution (Link) Presentation

Andreas Kvas (TU Graz) et al, First Results of the EGSIEM Near Real-Time Service (Link) Presentation