As you can see from the articles and posters presented on our website EGSIEM enjoyed a high profile at this year’s EGU Assembly in Vienna. As the coordinator I was able to report directly on it in session G4.2 on satellite gravimetry where there was a real interest in the products that the consortium hopes to produce. Not only was there quite a few mentions of EGSIEM in various talks such as in the one from the GRACE PI Byron Tapley, but the few hardcopies of the EGSIEM Newsletter which we were able to bring to the Assembly were rapidly snapped up by interested audience members. Obviously this is good news for the project, it shows that there is a very real need for more timely and combined GRACE products, and was something we suspected during the grant preparation stage, but it is always nice to speak directly to people at events such as EGU and have your suspicions confirmed!
EGSIEM will also be attending the 26th IUGG General Assembly in Prague, ESA’s Third Space for Hydrology Workshop, ESA’s Earth Observation Science 2.0 Workshop, ESA’s Earth Observation for Water Cycle Science Workshop, and the AGU 2015 fall meeting where we will eventually update the community on our first year’s work.